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Do you ever struggle with seeing yourself as a sensual being when you mainly see yourself as a mom, wife, or professional?
Maybe you have trouble with connecting to your body, your sensuality, + pleasure; or feeling shame in asking for what you truly desire.
Have you wondered where your vibrancy + passion for life gone?

The reality is that sensuality is a fundamental part of our identities.Ā When a woman feels disconnected from her body + pleasure centers, she cannot be the best version of herself because something will always be missing.

Sensual Awakening brings women into the exploration of their bodies, pleasure, + deepest desires to cultivate intimacy within themselves.

This 14 day initiation will help you heal the relationship with your body, activate your pleasure centers, + help you find aliveness in your body once again.Ā This curriculum will guide you inĀ cultivating a relationship with your burning desiresĀ so you can become theĀ passionate, magnetic sensualistĀ that lives within.

Women and their bodies deserve to be celebrated.Ā  Sensuality is our answer.

šŸ‘šŸ¼ All women are sensual and sexual beings and deserve the freedom to express themselves.

šŸ‘šŸ¼ Pleasure shouldn't fit in a box.

šŸ‘šŸ¼ You deserve to feel good in and about your body.

šŸ‘šŸ¼Ā You shouldn't have to apologize for how you feel.

šŸ‘šŸ¼Ā You donā€™t need permission to feel.

Jump start that sensual, embodied lifestyle youā€™ve been dreaming aboutā€¦

In this 14 day initiation, I give you my best guidance on breaking into the lifestyle of sensuality.Ā 

You may have gotten a glimpse into your sensual essence before... Maybe youā€™ve felt her flames,Ā  her power, her puuuurr and didnā€™t exactly know how to hold her.Ā  Babeā€¦ Letā€™s make sensuality a baseline for your life.Ā 

If you are craving a lifestyle of greater ease and sensuality in the body, these two weeks will transform your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual body.

This isnā€™t just some fluffy course, either.

We are diving into the science of why your nervous system may be unable to fully RELAX and how that connects to your pleasure.

PLUS this course is trauma-informed + guides you into creating safety so you can connect to that pleasure again.

How to know if Sensual Awakening is for you:

āœ“Ā  Youā€™re seeking to reallyĀ KNOWĀ your body. And know what genuinelyĀ feels goodĀ for YOU- (Not what feels good for other people)

āœ“Ā Ā Youā€™ve explored avenues of self exploration + are looking for a true level up.

āœ“Ā Boundaries may have been a struggle in the pastā€¦ And now youā€™re now committed to fully taking care of yourself.

āœ“Ā Unconsciously criticizing / critiquing yourself in the mirror?Ā Yuuuup, time to let that go.Ā 

āœ“Ā You find yourself getting stuck ā€œin your mindā€ throughout the day + would rather get ā€œlostā€ in a steamy erotic life.

Listen, I value efficiency + realistic practices more than anyoneee. I’m an entrepreneur of my own company and recovering “type A” personality- Your girl can’t tolerate a bunch of woo + a waste of time! (Maybe you feel the same way.)

That’s exactly why I’ve given you these tangible, simple practices that have EMPOWERED myself + the clients I work with.

How Sensual Awakening Works:Ā 

Sensual Awakening is your initiation to feel the sensual essence within and without. Over 14 days you will receive:

āœ“13 interactive videos on the SCIENCE + practice of sensuality.Ā 

āœ“ A Sensual Awakening playbook chalk full of sensual practices + thought-provoking exercises

āœ“ Daily emails that guide you simply + safely into your sensually liberated self.

āœ“ Breast massage for greater activation of your heart space. (And orgasms.)

āœ“ Journal prompts to shed layers ofĀ  limiting beliefs + disconnection.

āœ“ Insights on how to reclaim the affection towards your body + break through resistance, blocks, fears + heaviness on your heart.Ā 

āœ“ Tips on exactly how to identify + blast through resistance.

āœ“ Guided practices that allow you opportunities to feel the safety around RECEIVING. (In both the mundane + the sexy.)

āœ“ Meditations, Breathwork Audios + Sensual yoga flows for your pleasure to keep after the 14 days.

āœ“ Recommended pleasure products for your further and deeper exploration.

āœ“ Exclusive music playlists to turn on your pleasure centers.

āœ“ My favorite book recommendations for continuing exploration.

āœ“ Nutritional guide to foster your relationship to food and pleasure.Ā 

**BONUS interview about how to be a sensual woman in this day and age + my personal story from trauma to becoming sensually awake.

**BONUS Sex Love + Plant Medicine Masterclass

All forĀ $97!

Join Sensual Awakening!

Hey kittens... I'm Dr. Cat,

Growing up I was far from having a healthy relationship with my body, let alone my sensuality. I moved so fast in the world + distracted myself so I wouldn’t feel the pain of what was truly present for me.

Touch was aversive. My voice was silent. My power, unknown.

Until the day I decided: No. More.

It was here that my journey to reclaiming my body + developing a relationship with myself as a sensual, sexual, being began.


Why work with me?

  • I have a doctorate degree in Marriage + Family Therapy, licensed as a therapist in sex + trauma
  • Published researcher on the topic of sexual health
  • In the field of sexual wellness for 10+ years helping tens of thousands of people find their sensual + sexual expression
  • Yoga instructor for 14+ years
  • International speaker 
  • The founder of, an online platform integrating various schools of thought including science, tantra, body movement, + psychology for a holistic approach to sex
  • Host of the podcasts Eat.Play.Sex, + Erotically Wasted 
  • Co-founder of Un.done women’s sensual yoga experience
I'm in. šŸ™‹šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø Sign me up!

*Myself + other women from our live Un.done Yoga experiences

"The activities and information in this course really helped me to challenge my chronic pain and take away the idea of euthanize myself. Eight years of chronic pain MELTED AWAY INTO A STATE OF JOY + excitement in the course of two weeks. This is the closest I have ever been to live a miracle yet. Omg the course material was accessible and easy to grasp / understand. I really thank the people that made this possible and I can't wait to see what's next!"

-Corina R

"Thank you for this beautiful experience. The 20-something-minute breathwork meditation completely changed my life! I also loved the shaking exercise to help my nervous system. "

-Monika P

"Sensual Awakening really did AWAKEN my sensuality. It gave me tools to help me reconnect with my body and experience life from all the senses!! I look forward to going back and reviewing all of the material again and again!"

-Katy G

Join Sensual Awakening!

What to expect over this journey:


Day 1: Living from our five sensesĀ 

+Video on the difference between sensuality + sexuality.

+We define what sensuality is + HOW to access her more fully.

+Proven ways to drop deeply into sensuality + our first devotional practice.Ā Ā 


Day 2: Noticing + the somatics of our body

+Video on tapping into the intelligence of the body

+Learn HOW sensuality is medicine for your nervous system (we get nerdy here)

+Resourcing practices to calm your system + open you to connection again

+Action steps on how to regulate your nervous systemĀ 


Day 3: Body Affection

+Self-compassion as a practice

+Breast massage ritual for heart + body opening

+Creating a morning practice to begin the day sensually opened

+Expanding our energy + radianceĀ 


Day 4: Womb love

+Video teaching you about the power of your womb space

+Lessons on how to listen to the intuition of our bodies

+Pu$$y breathing to open her to greater sensitivity + receptivity

+Nourishing our intuition + emotions through creative expression


Day 5: Energetics of sensuality

+Chasing versus Receptive energy

+The power of transitions + itā€™s impact on your vibrancy

+Practical tools for shifting your head + heart space from the boardroom to the bedroom


Day 6: A luxurious life is attainableĀ 

+Real check on what we are surrounding ourselves withĀ 

+How to infuse the mundane with more pleasure

+Suggested pleasure products + practice


Day 7: Navigating resistance

+Cultivating a curious approachĀ 

+Self-guided inquiry of how to heal your resistance

+Sensual body opening + expansion practice

+Guided meditation for meeting your raw, messy, beautiful self


Day 8: Dancing as meditation

+Learn how dance can break through the rigid armor formed over years of contraction + fear

+Access my exclusive sensual playlists for that melty, embodied, vibe

+Mirror dancing practice for expanding your limits of vulnerability


Day 9: We are clearing and cleansing EVERYTHINGĀ 

+Donā€™t love it? Let it go

+Decluttering your life for more spaciousness

+Exclusive self care recipes

+ A guide for being a boundary BADASS (no more people pleasing)


Day 10: Redefining self-pleasure

+Mindfulness practices of touch

+Self exploration + sensual expansion

+Guided practice on dropping into the receptive energy of pleasure


Day 11: Body judgement to body love

+Sensual Un.done yoga class

+How body perception impacts our level of sensuality

+Journal prompts + stories for radical body love


Day 12: Pleasure tolerance 101

+Uncovering self-limiting beliefs and habits

+Dealing with criticism, judgementĀ 

+POWERFUL Breathwork practice into deep surrender

Ā Ā 

Day 13: Harnessing the power of your passion

+Effective practices embracing the full spectrum + intensity of your emotions for greater orgasmic potential

+Grounding our emotional power through sensuality

+Strategies on how you can access your inner truth


Day 14: Cultivating desireĀ Ā 

+Identifying cultural + familial beliefs inhibiting the power of your desire

+Journal prompts for discovering whatā€™s alive inside of you

+Practice for deepening your intuition + self-knowing

+Exercises for harnessing the power of desire to magnetize what you want in life


***BONUS: Interview about what it means to be a sensual woman in this day + age. AND a self love guided ritual.Ā 
***BONUS: Sex Love + Plant Medicine Masterclass.


All forĀ $97!

I'm in. šŸ™‹šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø Sign me up!

What people are saying:

"Sensual Awakening has helped me process & heal old sexual traumas. I've loved being so aware of the present moment, exploring mirror work (eye gaze) & being gentle / nurturing with self!"

-Mona B


This course will initiate you into the pleasure-filled life of a Sensualist.

Completing this course will leave you feeling:

āœ“ Deeply connected to your burning desiresĀ 

āœ“Intimate + close to yourself so you can be intimate + close with others

āœ“Confident + comfortable in your own body again

āœ“Know what your needs are + how to ask for what you want

āœ“Free of shame as it relates to being a sensual being

āœ“A deeper feeling of self-love + affection for oneā€™s self

āœ“Stronger, expansive orgasms that connect the mind, body, + soul

āœ“Passionate + fully expressed

āœ“Surrendered into your pleasure + in deep lovership + devotion to your body

āœ“A softened, regulated nervous system to feel more grounded in life

I'm in. šŸ™‹šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Want to live the delicious life?

A regular Sunday practice of sensuality will make blissful waves to start your journey in falling in love with your body. Don’t stop here! I've got exactly what you need to amplify your experience of pleasure in your bones. šŸ˜

Grab your FREE Sensual Sundays guide here.